Help Small Businesses Get the Protections they Need to Thrive

Join us in demanding transparent and fair commercial tenant practices to prevent small businesses in California from getting displaced.

Thanks to your support, SB 1103 has been passed and signed into California law!

WHY IS SB 1103 IMPORTANT? Across California, small businesses and nonprofits are being forced out of business and displaced from their communities at alarming rates. Commercial tenants have far fewer protections than residential tenants, leaving them vulnerable to rent increases, unclear and unfair lease terms, exorbitant added fees, and complex commercial lease agreements. More protections ensure that community-serving small businesses and nonprofits have a fighting chance to stay in business in their neighborhoods!

Starting in 2025, this new California law will help commercial tenants remain in place by eliminating hidden fees, increasing notice periods, and requiring in-language leases.

WILL SB 1103 AFFECT YOU? Are you a business owner with five or fewer employees, or a restaurant owner with fewer than 10 employees, or a nonprofit with 25 or fewer employees? If yes, learn more about how you can practice your rights here.

If not, then looks like this new law doesn’t impact you directly.

SB 1103, The Commercial Tenant Protection Act of 2024, was authored by Senator Caroline Menjivar (D - San Fernando Valley), signed by Gavin Newsom, and co-sponsored by Inclusive Action for the City, Public Counsel, Bet Tzedek Legal Services, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, Small Business Majority, and the California Association for Micro Enterprise Opportunity (CAMEO).

What is SBAEC?

The California Small Business Alliance for Equitable Communities (SBAEC) advocates for underserved, BlPOC, and women-owned small businesses and micro-entrepreneurs.

Commercial Tenant Empowerment

Advocacy for protections and rights of commercial tenants in underserved communities

Inclusive Processes And Resources

Advocacy for inclusive and equitable funding, programs, and policies to strengthen underserved small businesses

Alternative Ownership Models

 Advocacy for community land and real estate stewardship, ownership and control